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Concept Screening Survey

Do you have more than one alternative concept - such as a new product or business concept - and you want to know which concept is more likely to be accepted? Test up to 7 alternatives (including the existing alternative) and get an overall performance summary for each alternative, along with indicators of which alternatives are better and which are worse than the existing alternative. Identify which alternative the market is more likely to accept and boost purchase interest.

How unique is each alternative?
How likeable is each alternative?
How well does each alternative fit with the brand?
How does it influence purchase interest?


The alternatives you supply for testing are added to a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is checked before being sent to a panel of survey participants. The survey data is then checked before analysis. The analysis process calculates scores for each alternative based on stated purchase probability, and these scores are compared to the existing alternative so that you can determine which new alternatives are an improvement and which alternatives are worse than the existing alternative.

Each alternative is also evaluate on diagnostic criteria, which include: uniqueness, liking and brand fit to provide an indication of where problems may exist. Each new alternative is compared to the existing alternative on the diagnostics for comparison.

Example report

The report provides a brief overview of the survey method, then provides results for each of the alternatives you tested ranked from best to worst. It can be provided to you as a PowerPoint, ready for presentation to your stakeholders.
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